Issue 0
Letter from the Editor
by Rebecca Rubenstein
First and foremost, I want to thank you for stopping by and reading. If you’ve ever launched a literary magazine, or have been part of the effort to make that happen, you know the work involved. The insane planning. The late nights. The moving parts that make you feel like you’re stuck on a level of Tetris you can’t win. The caffeine overload (or, let’s face it, booze overload). I’ve officially lost track of how many hours Nevan and Taylor and I have clocked, how many emails we’ve sent, how much pad Thai I’ve inhaled while editing, how many mood swings our friends have endured. But we’re here, we’ve made it, and we’re so glad you’re here, too.
I hope you’ll take some time to sit with each piece and that you’ll find something you like. We’ve tried our hardest to make a magazine that is challenging and dynamic and clutches your heart, and also has some humor thrown in for good measure. We wanted to give you something that helps you remember the internet is not totally devoid of soul, that showcases some incredible writing and art, and that highlights a community we are all really proud to be a part of. This last thing is especially important: we could not be luckier than to be among such talented, driven individuals. It is because of the tenacity and inspiration of so many that Midnight Breakfast exists.
I would like to thank all of our contributors. Our origin story is a long one, and what began in 2008 is far different from what you see now. Much of that evolution is due to a group of writers and artists who took a chance on us, who gave us their time and energy and patience, and for that, we are grateful. As an editor, my hope is that every submission will wow me with its originality or stop me in my tracks with its vigor. All the pieces here speak to that, and it’s a privilege to be able to debut a literary magazine with such outstanding work.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the individuals who helped us along the way; without your guidance, we’d still be talking rather than doing. We owe all of you breakfast.
Rebecca Rubenstein